JavaScript - Modularity

JavaScript - Modularity


  • Quite crucial for reusability of code

  • Collect related functions, objects, values together

  • export values for use by other scripts

  • import values from other scripts, packages

Ways of implementing

  • script -> directly include the script inside the browser

  • CommonJS -> introduced for server side modules

    • synchronous load: server blocks till module is loaded
  • AMD -> Asynchronous Module Definition

    • browser side modules

ECMAScript 6 and above:

  • ES6 modules

    • Both servers and browsers

    • Asynchronous load


  • Node Package Manager

  • Node:

    • commandline interface for JS

    • mainly used for backend code, can also be used for testing

  • npm can also be used to package modules to the frontend

    • "Bundle" managers -> webpack, rollup, etc

To import a JS module in HTML file

<script type="module" src="file.js"></script>

Direct one line export

export const c = 300000000;

Basic import

Note: This file must be included as type="module" in HTML script tag

import {c} from './path/to/file.js';

Explicit named exports

function sq(x){
    return x*x;
export const c = 300000000;
export function energy(m){
    return m*sq(c);

Similarly, to use the above export

import {c, energy} from './path/to/file.js';

Renaming imports

import {c as speedofLight} from './path/to/file.js';

More stuff

  • Another way to write exports

  • Default export

  • When we import a variable, we get a read-only view of that variable, we cannot modify it's value. However, we can call a function that can modify the value of that variable.


  • Everything in JS is an object

  • Object literals

    • Assign values to named parameters in object
  • Object methods

    • Assign functions that can be called on an object
  • Special variable this

  • Function methods

    • call(), apply(), bind()
  • object.keys(), values(), entries()

    • Use as dictionary

    • Iterators

Prototype based inheritance

  • Object can have a 'prototype'

  • Automatically get properties of parent

  • Single inheritance track


  • Better syntax - still prototype based inheritance

  • constructor must explicitly call super()

  • Multiple inheritance or Mixins

    • Complex to implement

Basic object literals and methods

let x = {'a': 5, 'b': 'hi'};
x.add = function(c,d){
    return c + d;
console.log(`x is of type ${typeof(x)}`);
console.log(`x.add is of type ${typeof(x)}`);
console.log(`Evaluate the function x.add(3,5) gives ${x.add(3,5)}`);

What is this ?

this refers to the object it belongs to

Analogous to self in Python

x.f = function(y){
    return this.a + y;

Copying an object

let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
let y = x;
x.a = 3;

In the previous case, y will point to the same memory location as x, hence changing anything in x will also reflect in y and vice versa.

So, how to copy objects?

let z = {...x};
x.a = 5;

In this case, z gets its own copy of the object that x had.

That's it for now folks, Thank you for reading :)

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