Quite crucial for reusability of code
Collect related functions, objects, values together
values for use by other scriptsimport
values from other scripts, packages
Ways of implementing
script -> directly include the script inside the browser
CommonJS -> introduced for server side modules
- synchronous load: server blocks till module is loaded
AMD -> Asynchronous Module Definition
- browser side modules
ECMAScript 6 and above:
ES6 modules
Both servers and browsers
Asynchronous load
Node Package Manager
commandline interface for JS
mainly used for backend code, can also be used for testing
npm can also be used to package modules to the frontend
- "Bundle" managers -> webpack, rollup, etc
To import a JS module in HTML file
<script type="module" src="file.js"></script>
Direct one line export
export const c = 300000000;
Basic import
Note: This file must be included as type="module"
in HTML script
import {c} from './path/to/file.js';
Explicit named exports
function sq(x){
return x*x;
export const c = 300000000;
export function energy(m){
return m*sq(c);
Similarly, to use the above export
import {c, energy} from './path/to/file.js';
Renaming imports
import {c as speedofLight} from './path/to/file.js';
More stuff
Another way to write exports
Default export
When we import a variable, we get a read-only view of that variable, we cannot modify it's value. However, we can call a function that can modify the value of that variable.
Everything in JS is an object
Object literals
- Assign values to named parameters in object
Object methods
- Assign functions that can be called on an object
Special variable
Function methods
call(), apply(), bind()
object.keys(), values(), entries()
Use as dictionary
Prototype based inheritance
Object can have a 'prototype'
Automatically get properties of parent
Single inheritance track
Better syntax - still prototype based inheritance
constructor must explicitly call
Multiple inheritance or Mixins
- Complex to implement
Basic object literals and methods
let x = {'a': 5, 'b': 'hi'};
x.add = function(c,d){
return c + d;
console.log(`x is of type ${typeof(x)}`);
console.log(`x.add is of type ${typeof(x)}`);
console.log(`Evaluate the function x.add(3,5) gives ${x.add(3,5)}`);
What is this
refers to the object it belongs to
Analogous to self
in Python
x.f = function(y){
return this.a + y;
Copying an object
let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
let y = x;
x.a = 3;
In the previous case, y
will point to the same memory location as x
, hence changing anything in x
will also reflect in y
and vice versa.
So, how to copy objects?
let z = {...x};
x.a = 5;
In this case, z
gets its own copy of the object that x
That's it for now folks, Thank you for reading :)